The American Colony and Eric Matson Collection:
Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan
Founded in 1881 by Horatio Spafford (author of the famous hymn,
is Well With My Soul), the American Colony in Jerusalem operated a
thriving photographic enterprise for almost four decades. Their images
document the land and its people, with a special emphasis on biblical
and archaeological sites, inspirational scenes, and
historic events. One of the photographers, G. Eric Matson, inherited the
archive, adding to it his own later work through the “Matson Photo
Service.” He eventually donated all the negatives to the U.S. Library of
Congress, which has made them available to the public.
This volume includes more than 700 selected photographs of sites
and scenes in the modern countries of Lebanon, Syria, and Jordan.
Photographs are included of Baalbek, Palmyra, Tyre, Aleppo, Damascus,
Gerasa, Petra and many other locations. All of the images are included
in pre-made PowerPoint® files for quick and easy use, as well as in
high-resolution jpg format, suitable for projecting or printing.
Quotations from 19th-century travelers give additional context to the
Free: Download the Palmyra PowerPoint file.
About the Producer: Dr. Todd Bolen is a Professor of Biblical Studies at The Master’s University. He lived and taught for many years at their campus near Jerusalem. He is the producer of more than 45 volumes of photographs illustrating the biblical world, including the Pictorial Library of Bible Lands and the Photo Companion to the Bible.
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List of Photographs in the Volume
Byblos and Tripoli.ppt
Cedars of Lebanon.ppt
Dead Sea, Eastern Side.ppt
Jordan, Yarmuk to Aqaba.ppt
Syria, Hamath and Homs.ppt
Syria, Northern.ppt
Syria, Southern.ppt
Turkey, Southern.ppt
Tyre and Sidon.ppt
Ajlun Castle, one of castle towers
Ajlun Castle, southeast tower and rock cut moat
Ajlun village
Ajlun, dolmen
Ajlun, entrance to castle
Ajlun, Gilead Mission Hospital, building
Ajlun, Gilead Mission Hospital, Dr Dorey's study
Ajlun, Gilead Mission Hospital, Dr McLean in study
Ajlun, Gilead Mission Hospital, enclosure
Ajlun, Gilead Mission Hospital, operating room
Ajlun, Gilead Mission Hospital, sitting room
Ajlun, Gilead Mission Hospital, staff
Ajlun, Gilead Mission Hospital, women's ward
Ajlun, near view of castle
Ajlun, upper story of castle
Ajlun, view from Gilead Mission Hospital
Jebel Ajlun, typical mountain scene of district
Jordan Valley from Ajlun Castle
Aleppo from castle with moat and entrance
Aleppo from castle
Aleppo, Arabic capital in Jami el Adliyeh
Aleppo, architecture in covered jewelry bazaar
Aleppo, Armenian weaving establishment
Aleppo, capitals among Mamluk tombs
Aleppo, castle and gate
Aleppo, castle
Aleppo, city and castle from southwest
Aleppo, court of Great Mosque
Aleppo, curious carriages
Aleppo, entrance gateway to castle
Aleppo, entrance of gateway to castle
Aleppo, entwined serpents over gateway to castle
Aleppo, finely carved Arabic window
Aleppo, interior of Jami el Adliyeh
Aleppo, Khan el Vezir
Aleppo, Mamluk tomb
Aleppo, minaret in Market Quarter
Aleppo, mosque and castle
Aleppo, piling licorice root
Aleppo, public square
Aleppo, Shrine of Abu Bekir, courtyard
Aleppo, Shrine of Abu Bekir
Aleppo, stack of licorice root
Aleppo, street of new Aleppo
Aleppo, typical courtyard
Aleppo, typical street in old Aleppo
Homs, train from Aleppo arriving
Qasr el Benat, north of Aleppo, from south
Qasr el Benat, north of Aleppo, from west
Roman road north of Aleppo near Bab el Hawa
Amman and theater
Amman from acropolis, with Roman theater
Amman from Roman theater
Amman, aerial view, acropolis and theater
Amman, arch of Roman bridge
Amman, basilica
Amman, Bedouin races, 1921
Amman, capitals of colonnade
Amman, Circassian horsemanship, 1921
Amman, colonnade
Amman, details of mosque
Amman, Emir Abdullah's camp, 1921
Amman, Emir Abdullah's camp, near view, 1921
Amman, emir's bodyguard mounted on camels, 1921
Amman, general view
Amman, group of mounted Bedouins, 1921
Amman, modern town and mosque
Amman, odeum
Amman, palace of emir
Amman, Roman theater with colonnade
Amman, Roman theater
Amman, ruins of mosque
Amman, ruins on Acropolis Hill
Amman, view of modern town
Baalbek, Arabian stalactite portal
Baalbek, entrance to ruins
Baalbek, forecourt sextagonal
Baalbek, general view from Palmyra Hotel
Baalbek, general view of acropolis
Baalbek, general view
Baalbek, grand quarry
Baalbek, Great Court, altar and basin
Baalbek, Great Court, altar, stairs
Baalbek, Great Court, architrave stone
Baalbek, Great Court, bull and garland
Baalbek, Great Court, cherubs, festoons on basin
Baalbek, Great Court, doorway, niche for statue
Baalbek, Great Court, Jupiter and Bacchus temples
Baalbek, Great Court, Jupiter and Bacchus temples
Baalbek, Great Court, Jupiter carved on stone
Aleppo, Shrine of Abu Bekir
Aleppo, stack of licorice root
Aleppo, street of new Aleppo
Aleppo, typical courtyard
Aleppo, typical street in old Aleppo
Homs, train from Aleppo arriving
Qasr el Benat, north of Aleppo, from south
Qasr el Benat, north of Aleppo, from west
Roman road north of Aleppo near Bab el Hawa
Amman and theater
Amman from acropolis, with Roman theater
Amman from Roman theater
Amman, aerial view, acropolis and theater
Amman, arch of Roman bridge
Amman, basilica
Amman, Bedouin races, 1921
Amman, capitals of colonnade
Amman, Circassian horsemanship, 1921
Amman, colonnade
Amman, details of mosque
Amman, Emir Abdullah's camp, 1921
Amman, Emir Abdullah's camp, near view, 1921
Amman, emir's bodyguard mounted on camels, 1921
Amman, general view
Amman, group of mounted Bedouins, 1921
Amman, modern town and mosque
Amman, odeum
Amman, palace of emir
Amman, Roman theater with colonnade
Amman, Roman theater
Amman, ruins of mosque
Amman, ruins on Acropolis Hill
Amman, view of modern town
Baalbek, Arabian stalactite portal
Baalbek, entrance to ruins
Baalbek, forecourt sextagonal
Baalbek, general view from Palmyra Hotel
Baalbek, general view of acropolis
Baalbek, general view
Baalbek, grand quarry
Baalbek, Great Court, altar and basin
Baalbek, Great Court, altar, stairs
Baalbek, Great Court, architrave stone
Baalbek, Great Court, bull and garland
Baalbek, Great Court, cherubs, festoons on basin
Baalbek, Great Court, doorway, niche for statue
Baalbek, Great Court, Jupiter and Bacchus temples
Baalbek, Great Court, Jupiter and Bacchus temples
Baalbek, Great Court, Jupiter carved on stone
Baalbek, Great Court
Baalbek, Great Court, Roman emperor inscription
Baalbek, Great Court, south side
Baalbek, Great Court, south side
Baalbek, great wall of acropolis
Baalbek, Kubbet Duris
Baalbek, modern village and ruins
Baalbek, Ras el Ain
Baalbek, ruins from east
Baalbek, ruins of old mosque
Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus entrance
Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus entrance
Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus from northeast
Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus from northwest
Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus from south
Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus interior
Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, carved ceiling
Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, ceiling of colonnade
Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, ceiling of colonnade
Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, doorpost carvings
Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, fluted columns
Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, leaning column
Baalbek, Temple of Bacchus, northern colonnade
Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter from northeast
Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter from northwest
Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter from south
Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter from southeast
Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter from southwest
Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter from Temple of Bacchus
Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, capitals, entablature
Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, column
Baalbek, Temple of Jupiter, sunset effect
Baalbek, Temple of Venus, entrance and interior
Baalbek, Temple of Venus
Column of Yaat near Baalbek
Beirut and St George's Bay
Beirut and St George's Bay, with snow clad Sunnin
Beirut from Aley
Beirut from American University
Beirut Hospital staff party
Beirut, American University, biology class
Beirut, American University, campus from sea
Beirut, American University, chapel with students
Beirut, ancient inscription at Dog River
Beirut, beautiful homes
Beirut, cafe at public garden
Beirut, Dog River and old bridge
Beirut, El Burj, Place de Cannon, main city square
Beirut, interior of home
Beirut, Pigeon Rocks
Beirut, public garden
Beirut, Ras Beirut
Beirut, sea front
Beirut, street leading to Ras Beirut
Beirut, street scene
Beirut, three bridges over Dog River
Beirut, unloading vessel in harbor
Beirut, vegetable market
Beirut, view from Aley on Heights of Lebanon
Byblos and Tripoli
Byblos, colonnade and large sarcophagus
Byblos, Crusader castle through colonnade
Byblos, Crusader castle
Byblos, glimpse of ruins with Crusader castle
Byblos, obsidian coffer bound in gold
Byblos, obsidian vase bound in gold
Byblos, sarcophagus of Ahiram, end view
Byblos, sarcophagus of Ahiram, king of Byblos
Tripoli and el Mina from castle
Tripoli, boats meeting steamer in harbor
Tripoli, castle from east
Tripoli, el Mina, port
Tripoli, mule-drawn tramcar
Tripoli, sunset from el Mina
Tripoli, Tower of Lions
Tripoli, train on Tripoli Homs Railway
Tripoli, view of el Mina and sea from boys school
Tripoli, view with old castle
Cedars of Lebanon
Cedar of Lebanon
Cedars of Lebanon near Tripoli, grove from north
Cedars of Lebanon near Tripoli, inside enclosure
Cedars of Lebanon near Tripoli, lone giant
Cedars of Lebanon, bough with cones standing up
Cedars of Lebanon, camping among cedars
Cedars of Lebanon, Hasrun and distant view
Cedars of Lebanon
Cedars of Lebanon, spreading branches
Cedars of Lebanon, straight trees like Solomon used
Cedars of Lebanon, west side of grove
Lebanon cedars in snow with skier
Lebanon cedars in snow
Damascus, aerial view
Damascus, Azm Palace, central fount in courtyard
Damascus, Azm Palace, courtyard from north roof
Damascus, Azm Palace, finest of reception rooms
Damascus, Azm Palace, fountain with reflection
Damascus, Azm Palace, north vestibule
Damascus, Bab al Salam, Gate of Peace
Damascus, Bab Sharqi, Straight Street gateway
Damascus, Barada River from bridge
Damascus, Barada River
Damascus, camels in khan in old Damascus
Damascus, cemetery of Meidan and Damascus
Damascus, hangman's tree
Damascus, horse market
Damascus, House of Ananias
Damascus, House of Naaman
Damascus, Jamal Pasha Boulevard from roof
Damascus, Jamal Pasha Boulevard, east end
Damascus, main boulevard
Damascus, mosque of Mecca pilgrims
Damascus, old arabesque ceiling of Damascus home
Damascus, old door with Greek inscription
Damascus, Omayad Hotel, facing city square
Damascus, Omayad Hotel, facing city square
Damascus, one of city squares
Damascus, shop of Damascus wares
Damascus, Straight Street, covered portion
Damascus, Straight Street
Damascus, Straight Street, near east gate
Damascus, street scene
Damascus, Suq al Arwam, bazaar
Damascus, Suq al Arwam, covered bazaars
Damascus, Tomb of Saladin
Damascus, tombs of Fatimah and faithful
Damascus, Umayyad Mosque, courtyard, main minaret
Damascus, Umayyad Mosque, entrance from courtyard
Damascus, Umayyad Mosque, entrance from inside
Damascus, Umayyad Mosque, facade
Damascus, Umayyad Mosque, fount in courtyard
Damascus, Umayyad Mosque, interior, north aisle
Damascus, Umayyad Mosque, interior, south aisle
Damascus, Umayyad Mosque, main minaret, view ne
Damascus, Umayyad Mosque, main minaret, view nw
Damascus, Umayyad Mosque, main minaret, view south
Damascus, Umayyad Mosque, main minaret, view west
Damascus, Umayyad Mosque, mihrab and pulpit
Damascus, Umayyad Mosque, mihrab
Damascus, Umayyad Mosque, mosque from northern roof
Damascus, Umayyad Mosque, southwest minaret
Damascus, Umayyad Mosque, Tomb of John the Baptist
Damascus, view from Bab esh Sherki
Damascus, view from Omayad Hotel with Meidan Square
Damascus, view from Salhiyeh
Damascus, view from Salhiyeh
Damascus, view of city
Damascus, wall where Paul escaped in basket
Dead Sea, Eastern Side
Arnon River with sun over Dead Sea
Arnon River, looking west toward mouth
Arnon River, motor boat at mouth of river
Arnon River, mouth of river from east
Arnon River, narrow ravine
Arnon River, narrow ravine
Arnon River, view from west
Arnon River, view looking overhead in ravine
Arnon River, waterfall
Bint Lut, Lot's daughter, curious formation
Callirhoe, hot spring
Callirhoe, hot springs in Wadi Zerka Main, bathers camp
Callirhoe, hot springs in Wadi Zerka Main
Callirhoe, landing place
Dead Sea and Judean wilderness, view from Mt Nebo
Dead Sea from east, from Zerka Main area
Dead Sea, Cape Costigan
Dead Sea, Cape Molyneux
Dead Sea, Lisan peninsula
Dead Sea, northern end, evening silhouette
Ghor el Mezraa, landing place
Ghor el Mezraa
Ghor el Mezraa, submerged forest
Ghor es Safieh, Bedouin camp
Ghor es Safieh, coastline
Ghor es Safieh, interior of Bedouin tent
Ghor es Safieh, rivulet
Ghor es Safieh, types of Bedouins
Ghor es Safieh, volcanic formations
Promised Land as seen from Mount Nebo
Wadi Zerka Main
Gerasa mosaic, border design with stork and hound
Gerasa mosaic, river, water fowl and flora
Gerasa mosaic, section showing cupids and storks
Gerasa, ancient and modern
Gerasa, cathedral courtyard with Temple of Artemis
Gerasa, cathedral ruins, main avenue and forum
Gerasa, Church of St Cosmos, mosaic section, figure
Gerasa, columns of forum
Gerasa, columns of temple of grand colonnade
Gerasa, entrance to cathedral compound
Gerasa, forum and main street
Gerasa, forum with section of excavated pavement
Gerasa, forum
Gerasa, fountain of Church of St Theodore
Gerasa, gateway to Temple of Artemis from Cardo
Gerasa, gateway to Temple of Artemis from interior
Gerasa, general view of ruins from north
Gerasa, general view of ruins
Gerasa, general view of village
Gerasa, general view
Gerasa, group of relics in temporary museum
Gerasa, inverted inscription in modern house
Gerasa, northern theater
Gerasa, pillars near church of St Theodore
Gerasa, ruins of Roman bath
Gerasa, southern theater and forum
Gerasa, southern theater
Gerasa, southern theater, view of seats from stage
Gerasa, Temple of Artemis, columns
Gerasa, Temple of Artemis, Corinthian capitals
Gerasa, Temple of Artemis
Gerasa, Temple of Zeus
Gerasa, triumphal arch
Gerasa, triumphal gate and hippodrome from north
Gerasa, waterfall
Jordan, Yarmuk to Aqaba
Aqaba, among the seaside palms
Aqaba, irrigation shaduf, in vegetable garden
Aqaba, medieval castle
Castle of Zizia
Cenotaph of Neby Osha, 30 foot tomb of prophet
Circassian ox-carts
Dead Sea from Macherus
El Azraq, Bedouin youth with long hair like Absalom
El Azraq, Druze chief, typical Bedouin garb
El Azraq, general view of castle and lake
El Azraq, oasis and castle
Es Salt, Christian Bedouin girl sewing in doorway
Es Salt, general view
Es Salt, interior of peasant home
Es Salt
Gadara, Roman theater
Gadara, stone tomb door carved to represent wood panels
Gadara, stone tomb door showing carved lintel
Gulf of Aqaba, general view looking sw toward Sinai
Gulf of Aqaba, landing pier, looking w toward Sinai
Hesban, possible Heshbon
Hot springs of el Hammi, in bed of Yarmuk valley
Hot springs of el Hammi, one of pools and baths
Iraq el Emir
Irbid village
Jabbok River, Wadi Zerka
Jabbok River, Wadi Zerka
Jabbok, view of gorge crossing to Jerash
Jebel Osha summit
Jebel Osha weli
Joining of Jabbok and Jordan, telephoto from Osha
Kerak, Crusader castle from east
Kerak, Crusader fortification
Kerak, entrance
Ma'in, Beth Baal Meon
Macherus from east
Macherus, remains on summit
Medeba map mosaic
Medeba, general view
Medeba, Greek church, interior with map
Medeba, Greek church, interior
Medeba, Greek church
Mount Nebo excavation
Mount Nebo from Springs of Moses
Mount Nebo, Chapel of St Mary, close up of mosaic
Mount Nebo, Chapel of St Mary, mosaic floor of apse
Mount Nebo, Chapel of St Mary, ruins of apse
Mount Nebo
Mshatta, beautifully carved wall
Mshatta, details of brick wall
Mshatta, details of entrance to ruins
Mshatta, interior view of entrance to palace
Oak forest in Gilead
Pass of Aqaba coming up w side toward Kuntilla
Rabba, Rabbath Moab
Shobak, Crusader castle from east
Springs of Moses
Teleilat Ghassul excavations
Wadi Rukkad, grand waterfall
Wadi Rukkad, series of waterfalls
Wadi Seir, Circassian village
Wadi Selihi waterfall
Wadi Yarmuk
Waters of Heshbon
Zerka, near head of Jabbok
Aleih from Khulwe garden
Aleih, mosque, with motor road in far distance
Bardoni River at Zahle
Beit Ed Din, Shehab Palace, inner court, fountain
Beit Ed Din, Shehab Palace, summer parlor fountain
Beit Meri and Brummana from Ras el Matn
Belfort Castle
Bsherreh from Wadi Kadisha
Dahr El Kodib, highest pass of Lebanon
Hasbani River, Roman bridge
Hasbeya village
Jebel Sunnin across Bekaa from Mt. Hermon
Jebel Sunnin in Lebanon from Mount Hermon
Ladder of Tyre
Lake Yammuneh
Leontes and southern Lebanon
Leontes River, Roman bridge, 3rd century
Ras el Matn school, front with school boys
Ras el Matn school, general view with forest
Ras el Matn village, looking east from school
Ras Esh Shekka, exit of road and double tunnel
Ras Esh Shekka, motor road and tunnel
Tourza, typical Lebanon village
Zarephath, Sarepta village
Palmyra, capitals of pillars in Temple of Bel
Palmyra, Corinthian colonnade, brackets for statues
Palmyra, door of Tomb of Dionysios, swinging doors
Palmyra, finest of tower tombs
Palmyra, general view of Temple of Bel
Palmyra, highest of tower tombs
Palmyra, looking down from western castle
Palmyra, new village, distant view
Palmyra, pillars of colonnade with statue brackets
Palmyra, Qasr el Hayeh, small funeral temple
Palmyra, remains of temple at west end of colonnade
Palmyra, street of village
Palmyra, Temple of Bel, ceiling in southern cloister
Palmyra, Temple of Bel, eastern side
Palmyra, Temple of Bel, inner part of cella
Palmyra, Temple of Bel
Palmyra, Temple of Bel, pillars of peristyle
Palmyra, tomb interior
Palmyra, tower tomb of Elahbel, interior
Palmyra, tower tomb of Elahbel, pilasters, niches
Palmyra, tower tomb
Palmyra, triple arched gateway
Palmyra, triple archway and colonnade
Palmyra, triumphal arch, central portion
Palmyra, Turkish castle, moat, piers of old bridge
Palmyra, Turkish castle, Qala'at Ibn Maan
Palmyra, Turkish castle, south tower
Palmyra, view looking down from western castle hill
Palmyra, well preserved temple of king's mother
Palmyra, west half of colonnade with central arch
Palmyra, western cemetery, tomb towers on hillside
Petra, acropolis hill from high place of sacrifice
Petra, acropolis hill silhouette against sunset
Petra, Ain Musa, Spring of Moses
Petra, altar in Siq
Petra, altar on obelisk ridge, above Wadi Farasa
Petra, arched topped tombs in Wadi ed Deir
Petra, carved stone
Petra, citadel
Petra, classical niche in chamber facing Monastery
Petra, columbarium, east façade of Habis
Petra, columbarium
Petra, Corinthian tomb
Petra, details of beautifully veined sandstone
Petra, eagle shrine, in gully near el Mudhlim tunnel
Petra, El Barid, approach thru Siq, showing cliffs
Petra, El Barid, classical monument outside Siq
Petra, El Barid, cliff dwellings near high place
Petra, El Barid, temple in Siq, classical type
Petra, el-Mudhlim water diversion tunnel
Petra, Garden Tomb
Petra, general view of mountains of Petra
Petra, gorge and tombs en route to High Place
Petra, Habis, court and chambers
Petra, Habis, unfinished tomb
Petra, High Place of Sacrifice from east
Petra, High Place of Sacrifice from north
Petra, High Place of Sacrifice, altars
Petra, High Place of Sacrifice, court
Petra, High Place of Sacrifice
Petra, High Place, side view of altars
Petra, High Place, tops of altars
Petra, inscription on Turmaniyyeh tomb, telephoto
Petra, interior of Cook's Tourist Agency tent
Petra, interior of tomb with fluted columns
Petra, Jebel Haroun with Arab on camel
Petra, Jebel Haroun, Aaron's tomb, exterior
Petra, Jebel Haroun, Aaron's tomb, interior
Petra, Jebel Haroun
Petra, Kazneh from northeast, close up
Petra, Kazneh from northeast
Petra, Kazneh from southeast
Petra, Kazneh with ravine from northeast
Petra, Kazneh, capitals of portico
Petra, Kazneh, carved tympanum of pediment
Petra, Kazneh, circular tower decoration
Petra, Kazneh, details of carvings
Petra, Kazneh, doorway of side chamber
Petra, Kazneh, equestrian bas relief, s façade
Petra, Kazneh, from cliffs across lower Siq
Petra, Kazneh
Petra, lion bas relief, on ascent to obelisk ridge
Petra, lower Siq, tomb interior, graves and loculi
Petra, Monastery from southwest
Petra, Monastery
Petra, Monastery, urn
Petra, mountains from el Hubta
Petra, mountains from Eljii
Petra, Nabatean tomb interior, floor graves
Petra, obelisk of Zibb Atuf
Petra, Obelisk Tomb
Petra, Palace and Corinthian tombs
Petra, Palace Tomb
Petra, panorama of tombs on east, left
Petra, panorama of tombs on east, right
Petra, Qasr el Bint Faron, looking down from acropolis
Petra, Qasr el Bint from northeast
Petra, Qasr el Bint
Petra, Qasr el Bint, with Cook's camp
Petra, Qattar ed Der, cult niches
Petra, Qattar ed Der, el Hammam, with ravine
Petra, railroad station at el Ma'an
Petra, serpent cult niche, east cliff of obelisk ridge
Petra, Siq and Kazneh
Petra, Siq between Kazneh and theater
Petra, Siq from Kazneh
Petra, Siq, central part
Petra, Siq, water canal along cliff wall
Petra, stairway to High Place and funeral chapel
Petra, theater from above
Petra, theater from el Hubta
Petra, theater
Petra, theatre from lower slopes of el Hubta
Petra, tomb in route to Jebel Haroun
Petra, Tomb of Roman Soldier
Petra, tomb with snake
Petra, tomb with three urns
Petra, triple gate
Petra, Troglodite dwellings near Siq
Petra, twin obelisks, obelisk ridge near high place
Petra, typical double corniced tomb
Petra, Umm el Biyara, general view
Petra, Urn Tomb
Petra, view of mountains, looking north
Petra, Wadi ed Deir, eroded façade
Petra, Wadi Farasa, Assyrian type monument
Petra, Wadi Siyagh waterfall
Petra, Wadi Siyagh, patch of aloes
Petra, western entrance of Siq
Petra, Zibb Fir'aun
Syria, Hamath and Homs
Hamath, busy scene on the Orontes
Hamath, double waterwheel
Hamath, old bridge
Hamath, Orontes and waterwheel
Hamath, picturesque waterwheel
Hamath, street leading over Orontes
Hamath, waterwheel and aqueduct for irrigation
Hamath, waterwheel
Homs, Khalid ibn Al Walid Mosque
Homs, Orontes River
Homs, railway station
Homs, threshing instrument with disks
Homs, view from castle
Syria, Northern
Church of Saint Simeon, acanthus leaf capital
Church of Saint Simeon, apse
Church of Saint Simeon, fine carving in central apse
Church of Saint Simeon
Church of Saint Simeon, monastery from church
Church of Saint Simeon, pedestal of famous pillar
Church of Saint Simeon, remains of monastery
Church of Saint Simeon, wall with windows from nw
Krak des Chevaliers, approach through village
Krak des Chevaliers, Crusader castle from south
Krak des Chevaliers, Crusader castle
Krak des Chevaliers, distant view from north
Krak des Chevaliers, from Monastery of St George
Krak des Chevaliers, inner moat flooded
Krak des Chevaliers, outer and inner wall
Krak des Chevaliers, sw corner tower, baths
Krak des Chevaliers, undercroft
Latakia, looking across harbor to town, from south
Margab Castle from south
Margab Castle, entrance
Marqab Castle, approach to entrance
Marqab Castle, entrance to Crusader chapel
Marqab Castle, entrance, interior view
Marqab Castle, moon rise
Marqab Castle, view of Banias from castle rampart
Marqab Castle, western ramparts
Monastery of St George, inner court
Moselmeih, beehive homes
Moselmeih, beehive village
Moselmieh, beehive village on Baghdad Railway
Qasr el Heir, carved gate lintel
Sahyun Castle, draw bridge column from above
Sahyun Castle, draw bridge column in moat
Sahyun Castle
Sahyun Castle, southeast corner of ramparts
Sahyun Castle, view in eastern moat looking south
Tartus Crusader Cathedral from nw
Tartus, Crusader Cathedral, interior
Syria, Southern
Bosra, castle surrounding Roman theater
Bosra, entablature over pillar and engaged column
Bosra, four columns, view overlooking street
Bosra, Roman theater within castle, looking north
Bosra, Roman theater within castle, looking south
Bosra, street with Roman columns and pavement
Bosra, view of city from Citadel
Bosra, west city gate, Bab el Hawa
Deir Seidnaya
Ezra, entrance to Byzantine church, inscription
Hauran from summit of Mount Hermon
Qanawat, beautiful carved doorway of Roman basilica
Qanawat, church from northwest
Qanawat, colonnade of Roman basilica
Qanawat, column bases of church
Qanawat, double basalt doors
Qanawat, inner court of Roman sanctuary
Qanawat, large Roman pavement with ruined church
Qanawat, ornamented columns of Roman basilica
Qanawat, ornamented doorway on town square
Quneitra village
Salkhad, castle hill from north with man plowing
Shahba, Philippopolis, mosaic in feasting hall
Shahba, Philippopolis, remains of colonnade
Shahba, Philippopolis, Roman baths
Shahba, Philippopolis, Roman pavement and columns
Shahba, Philippopolis, Roman street from Triple Gate
Shahba, Philippopolis, Roman theater
Suweida, view from east
Turkey, Southern
Alexandretta from sea
Alexandretta, bales of licorice root in factory
Antioch and Mount Silpius from west
Antioch, bridge and waterwheel
Antioch, city wall on Mount Silpius
Antioch, city wall on summit of Mount Silpius
Antioch, city wall showing dressing stones removed
Antioch, Mount Silpius with city wall
Antioch, Orontes River with old bridge
Antioch, Orontes River, from bridge
Antioch, Orontes River
Antioch, sarcophagus in Serai
Antioch, street in Muslim Quarter
Antioch, townspeople
Antioch, view from Mount Silpius
Antioch, view from west
Antioch, vine covered street
Baghras, Crusader castle, Gastun
Beilan town
Beilan, Antioch road, Lake of Antioch in distance
Daphne waterfalls
Daphne, Muslim weli
Daphne, waterfalls
Tyre and Sidon
Hiram's Monument near Tyre
Hiram's Reservoir near Tyre
Sidon with harbor and gardens, aerial view
Sidon, general view
Sidon, old castle
Tyre along north shore
Tyre and coast from Mount Hermon, telephoto
Tyre, harbor
Tyre, ruins of Crusader church