The American Colony and Eric Matson Collection:
Egypt and Sinai
Founded in 1881 by Horatio Spafford (author of the famous hymn, It
is Well With My Soul), the American Colony in Jerusalem operated a
thriving photographic enterprise for almost four decades. Their images
document the land and its people, with a special emphasis on biblical
and archaeological sites, inspirational scenes, and
historic events. One of the photographers, G. Eric Matson, inherited the
archive, adding to it his own later work through the “Matson Photo
Service.” He eventually donated all the negatives to the U.S. Library of
Congress, which has made them available to the public.
This volume includes more than 450 selected photographs of sites
and scenes in Egypt and the Sinai Peninsula, including the Giza
Pyramids, Cairo, the Luxor temples, Aswan, Jebel Musa, and St.
Catherine’s Monastery. All of the images are included in pre-made
PowerPoint® files for quick and easy use, as well as in high-resolution
jpg format, suitable for projecting or printing.
Free: Download the Aswan PowerPoint file.
About the Producer: Dr. Todd Bolen is a Professor of Biblical Studies at The Master’s University. He lived and taught for many years at their campus near Jerusalem. He is the producer of more than 45 volumes of photographs illustrating the biblical world, including the Pictorial Library of Bible Lands and the Photo Companion to the Bible.
$20 $15 (free shipping
in the U.S.)
Or buy the
complete 8-volume
set for $189 $99.
Guarantee: You will be satisfied or your money will be refunded.
List of Photographs in the Volume
Cairo, Modern City.ppt
Cairo, Museum.ppt
Cairo, Muslim Buildings.ppt
Cairo, Scenes.ppt
Giza Pyramids.ppt
Memphis and Saqqara.ppt
Nile River and Delta.ppt
People and Culture.ppt
Sinai, Jebel Musa.ppt
Sinai, St Catherine's Monastery.ppt
Suez area.ppt
Upper Egypt Temples.ppt
Aswan Dam, general view looking southwest
Aswan Dam, looking southwest from dam
Aswan Dam, sluices, looking southwest
Aswan granite mass along river, aerial view
Aswan, general view from Elephantine Island
Aswan, looking across Nile at Elephantine Island
Aswan, northern quarries
Aswan, view of Nile
Elephantine Island
Elephantine Island, Nilometer
First cataract near Aswan, aerial view
Philae Island, general view
Philae, first pylon of Temple of Isis
Philae, kiosk, looking east
Philae, kiosk, looking north
Philae, kiosk, looking southwest from boat
Philae, Temple of Isis with obelisk and colonnade
Philae, Temple of Isis, birth house
Philae, Temple of Isis, details of capitals
Philae, Temple of Isis, entrance of first pylon
Philae, Temple of Isis, first pylon from second
Philae, Temple of Isis, looking northwest
Philae, Temple of Isis, reliefs on first pylon
Philae, Temple of Isis, right wing of first pylon
Philae, west colonnade of Temple of Isis
Cairo, Modern City
Cairo, American University, ceiling
Cairo, American University, interior
Cairo, American University
Cairo, Continental Savoy Hotel, Ezbekeye gardens
Cairo, Continental Savoy Hotel, garden entrance
Cairo, Continental Savoy Hotel, garden group
Cairo, Continental Savoy Hotel, lounge
Cairo, Grand Continental Hotel
Cairo, Mena House, bathroom
Cairo, Mena House, bedroom with pyramid in doorway
Cairo, Mena House, swimming pool
Cairo, Semiramis Hotel, dining room
Cairo, Semiramis Hotel, main lounge
Cairo, Shepheard's Hotel, exterior
Cairo, Shepheard's Hotel, main dining hall
Cairo, Museum
Cairo Museum, exterior
Cairo Museum, fine wooden cover
Cairo Museum, headrests, vase and ivory boat
Cairo Museum, interior of main hall, looking down
Cairo Museum, mummy coffins
Cairo Museum, Mummy of Ramses II
Cairo Museum, Pharaoh's mummy
Cairo Museum, south end of main hall
Cairo Museum, Statue of Tutankhamun, royal headdress
Cairo Museum, statues of King Usertesen, VII dyn
Cairo Museum, Tutankhamun's third innermost coffin
Cairo Museum, upper floor
Cairo, Muslim Buildings
Cairo, Minaret of el Hussein
Cairo, Mosque of el Azhar, looking e
Cairo, Mosque of el Azhar, southern entrance
Cairo, Mosque of Emir Akhor
Cairo, Mosque of Ibn Tulun court
Cairo, Mosque of Ibn Tulun, view from Citadel
Cairo, Mosque of Kait Bey
Cairo, Mosque of Mahmoudieh
Cairo, Mosque of Mohammed Ali Pasha and Citadel wall
Cairo, Mosque of Mohammed Ali Pasha, ablution fount
Cairo, Mosque of Mohammed Ali Pasha, interior
Cairo, Mosque of Mohammed Ali Pasha
Cairo, street scene, showing mosque of Kait Bey
Cairo, Tomb mosque of Sultan el Ashraf
Cairo, Tombs of Caliphs
Cairo, Tombs of Mamluks
Cairo, view from Mosque of Ibn Tulun
Cairo, Scenes
Cairo, aerial view, along river, s of Kasr el Nil
Cairo, aerial view, citadel in foreground
Cairo, aerial view, Rhoda Island
Cairo, bridge over Nile, open
Cairo, camels used for carrying bridal party
Cairo, donkey boys with donkeys
Cairo, donkey market
Cairo, Egyptian soldiers in citadel
Cairo, entrance gateway of citadel from interior
Cairo, entrance to Citadel with arch ornamentation
Cairo, Kasr En Nil, bridge over Nile
Cairo, Kasr en Nil, towers on eastern end of bridge
Cairo, Muski Street
Cairo, Nile scene in Old Cairo, along eastern bank
Cairo, Opera Square, statue of Ibrahim Pasha
Cairo, railway station
Cairo, scene in old Cairo
Cairo, scene in Old Cairo, typical sail boats
Cairo, street
Cairo, vessels rushing for open bridge
Cairo, view from Citadel
Cairo, view from Citadel, with pyramids
City of Dead, near Cairo
Nile River, boats passing through open bridge
Nile, Kasr en Nil, looking along bridge
Giza Pyramids
Giza, avenue leading to pyramids
Giza, caravan of Bedouins at pyramids
Giza, corn fields and palm grove
Giza, entrance to Great Pyramid
Giza, Fourth Pyramid, anchorage for slanting corner
Giza, full face view of Sphinx
Giza, granite temple of Sphinx
Giza, granite temple
Giza, Great Pyramid ascent
Giza, Great Pyramid of Cheops from road
Giza, Great Pyramid of Cheops
Giza, Great Pyramid with reflection
Giza, Great Pyramid, Sphinx, man on camel
Giza, Mena House, front garden with two pyramids
Giza, Nile overflow near pyramids
Giza, Nile River and pyramids
Giza, Nile Valley from Great Pyramid
Giza, north side of Great Pyramid
Giza, photographer near top of Great Pyramid
Giza, profile view of Sphinx
Giza, pyramids through palm trees
Giza, pyramids with camels
Giza, pyramids, aerial view
Giza, second pyramid from summit of Great Pyramid
Giza, Sphinx and pyramids
Giza, Sphinx with two pyramids
Giza, Sphinx
Giza, Sphinx, profile and pyramid
Giza, summit of Great Pyramid
Giza, three pyramids through palm grove
Giza, three pyramids with shaduf
Giza, tourists ascending Great Pyramid
Giza, two pyramids
Giza, view of pyramids from village
Giza, village near pyramids
Karnak, avenue of ram-headed sphinxes
Karnak, avenue of sphinxes in front of 1st pylon
Karnak, central aisle of great hypostyle hall
Karnak, general view of ruins
Karnak, great court
Karnak, Great Feast Temple of Thutmose III
Karnak, great hypostyle hall with part of obelisk
Karnak, great hypostyle hall
Karnak, Great Temple of Amon
Karnak, obelisk of Thutmose III
Karnak, portal of Euergetes I
Karnak, sacred lake
Karnak, seventh and eighth pylons
Karnak, Shishak's city list
Karnak, statues of kings behind eighth pylon
Karnak, statues of Thutmose III at seventh pylon
Karnak, taking out water from excavations
Karnak, Temple of Khons
Luxor Temple, colonnade
Luxor Temple, entrance
Luxor Temple, general view
Luxor Temple, hypostyle hall
Luxor Temple, obelisk at entrance
Luxor Temple, statue of Ramses II
Luxor, general view
Luxor, Nile from Winter Palace Hotel
Luxor, steamers in front of Winter Palace Hotel
Luxor, street scene
Luxor, Winter Palace Hotel, front view from nw
Luxor, Winter Palace Hotel, front view from sw
Luxor, Winter Palace with river boat
Thebes, Colossi of Memnon
Thebes, desert
Thebes, entrance to royal tomb
Thebes, Medinet Habu, great hypostyle hall
Thebes, Medinet Habu, pavilion of Ramses III
Thebes, Medinet Habu, statues of Ramses III
Thebes, Medinet Habu, Temple of Nectanebo I
Thebes, Mortuary Temple of Seti I
Thebes, mummy of Amenhotep II in royal tomb
Thebes, Ramesseum, colossus of Ramses II
Thebes, Ramesseum, general view
Thebes, Ramesseum, statues of Ramses II
Thebes, Temple of Hatshepsut
Thebes, Valley of Kings
Thebes, Valley of Kings, tomb of Tut
Memphis and Saqqara
Memphis, camels passing through palm grove
Memphis, cattle at watering place
Memphis, colossal statue of Ramses II
Memphis, forest of palms
Memphis, modern village
Memphis, site of ancient city
Memphis, Sphinx of Memphis
Saqqara, distant view of Step Pyramid
Saqqara, near view of Step Pyramid
Nile River and Delta
Alexandria, harbor
Alexandria, Pompey's Pillar
Dahabeah, boat for traveling on Nile
Donkey boys on banks of Nile, near Luxor
Heliopolis, Armenian church, exterior
Heliopolis, Armenian church, interior
Heliopolis, obelisk
Heliopolis, Virgin's Tree
Nile River Valley, aerial view, desert beside farms
Nile River with boat near Winter Palace Hotel
Nile River, aerial view, near Luxor
Nile River, First Cataract, looking north
Nile River, fleet of boats
Nile River, scene of activities near Luxor
Nile River, south of Cairo with palms
Nile River, south of Cairo, native crafts
Nile River, typical river scene, native craft
Nile scene with typical boats in full sail
People and Culture
Bedouin camp in Sinai Peninsula
Bedouin home in Wadi er Raha
Bedouin woman and child in Sinai Peninsula
Bisharin boy in Egypt
Bisharin girl in Egypt
Bisharin men in Egypt
Bisharin women in Egypt
Dates spread out to dry, Sinai Peninsula
Donkey cart with passengers
Egyptian buffaloes
Enclosure where dates are dried, Sinai Peninsula
Flocks in fields near Memphis
Gathering opium from seed pods of poppies
Herd of camels in desert near Giza pyramids
Lemonade seller in Cairo
Muslim woman in Cairo
Native hut made of palm branches, Sinai Peninsula
Native musician in Egypt
Peasants of Upper Egypt
Peasants with children in palm grove
Peasants with children in palm grove, pyramids
People scrambling for baksheesh
Shoe black in Cairo
Snake charmer in Cairo
Store of famous pottery jars
Typical village in Egypt
Veiled women and child in Cairo
Women carrying fuel
Women carrying jars on heads
Women carrying water from Nile
Ayun Musa, Springs of Moses, caravan
Ayun Musa, Springs of Moses
Ayun Musa, Springs of Moses, near view of one spring
Camel man with small fire
El Buweib, natural gateway
El Kaa desert, caravan in heart of desert
El Kuntilla, police station frontier post
El Kuntilla, rest house, racing camels
El Wad, caravan preparing to cross desert
First view of central Sinai Mountains
Gulf of Aqaba, head of gulf with Hejaz mountains
Jebel Serbal from el Kaa
Jebel Serbal, distant view from el Ka'a
Jebel Serbal, distant view from el Wad
Jebel Serbal, El Medawa summit
Jebel Serbal, grand view from mountain
Jebel Serbal, magnificent view from mountain
Jebel Serbal
Jebel Serbal, one of mountain's five peaks
Jebel Tahuneh, Hill of Moses
Jebel Tahuneh
Nakb El Hawa scene
Nawamis with Jebel Serbal in distance
Pool of water in Sinai
Sinai Mountains, first view from Nakb el Hawa
Sinai mountains, oasis
Sinai Mountains, panorama from Nakb el Hawa
Sinai Peninsula, dreary desert scene
Sinai, cars driving through oasis
Spring of el Wataieh
Tor from bay
Tor, quarantine station
Volcanic formations near Wady Tl'aa
Wadi Dhese scene
Wadi Es Slaf, Diorite dyke
Wadi Esh Sheikh and Wadi Slaf junction
Wadi Esh Sheikh, Diorite dyke
Wadi Esh Sheikh
Wadi Feiran and Jebel Serbal
Wadi Feiran and Wadi Aleyat junction
Wadi Feiran oasis, and Jebel Serbal
Wadi Feiran oasis, distant view of Jebel Serbal
Wadi Feiran scene
Wadi Feiran, abundance of water
Wadi Feiran, gravel terraces
Wadi Feiran, luxurious palm grove
Wadi Feiran, remains of early Christian structures
Wadi Gharandel rivulet
Wadi Gharandel, palms of Elim
Wadi Hebran oasis
Wadi Hebran scene
Wadi Hebran, ascending wadi
Wadi Hebran, caravan ascending wadi
Wadi Hebran
Wadi Hebran, narrow defile at watershed
Wadi Hebran, Oasis of Ardesiat
Wadi Hebran, picturesque palm grove
Wadi Hebran, small oasis
Wadi Isleh, Grand Canyon
Wadi Lejah, Hajjar Mousa, stone of Moses
Wadi Lejah
Wadi Lejah, Nabatean inscriptions
Wadi Maghara
Wadi Maghara, turquoise mines
Wadi Mukattab, Greek inscriptions
Wadi Mukattab
Wadi Mukattab, Nabatean inscriptions
Wadi Taiybeh, bitter spring
Wadi Taiybeh
Wadi Taiybeh
Wady Tl'aa
Weli of Sheikh Abu Talib
Wilderness of Shur
Wilderness of Sin
Sinai, Jebel Musa
Hill of Aaron from Jethro's Path
Hill of Aaron, Golden Calf
Jebel Katarina from Jebel Musa
Jebel Musa from Ras Safsafa
Jebel Musa summit
Jebel Musa, burning bush, silleh bush
Jebel Musa, Chapel of Elijah
Jebel Musa, Chapel of St Mary
Jebel Musa, hill of elders
Jebel Musa, looking east, view of Jebel El Meallawi
Jebel Musa, looking north from mountain
Jebel Musa, near view of silleh bush
Jebel Musa, old Bedouin standing by silleh bush
Jebel Musa, pilgrim steps and first gate
Jebel Musa, pilgrim steps and second gate
Jebel Musa, pilgrim steps leading up mountain
Jebel Musa, silleh bush beneath mountain
Jebel Musa, southern precipice
Jebel Musa, sunrise from summit
Jebel Musa, sunset from summit
Jebel Musa, view of mountains from gate
Ras Safsafa from Jebel Musa
Ras Safsafa precipice
Ras Safsafa willow
Ras Safsafa, ascent by Jethro's Path
Ras Safsafa, general view
Ras Safsafa, shepherd and flock in Wadi er Raha
Ras Safsafa, view from Wadi er Raha
Sinai mountains
Sinai mountains, panorama from Wadi er Raha, left
Sinai mountains, panorama from Wadi er Raha, right
Sinai mountains, view from Jebel Musa
Wadi ed Deir and Jebel Munajah
Wadi er Raha, Plain of Law, from Ras Safsafa
Sinai, St Catherine's Monastery
St Catherine's Monastery from ascent
St Catherine's Monastery from distance
St Catherine's Monastery from distance
St Catherine's Monastery from east
St Catherine's Monastery from Jebel Munajah
St Catherine's Monastery from southeast
St Catherine's Monastery, almond tree in blossom
St Catherine's Monastery, ancient way of entering
St Catherine's Monastery, antique door of church
St Catherine's Monastery, belfry and minaret
St Catherine's Monastery, buttress of exterior wall
St Catherine's Monastery, church and mosque
St Catherine's Monastery, church interior from apse
St Catherine's Monastery, church interior
St Catherine's Monastery, Church of Transfiguration
St Catherine's Monastery, clergy robed in vestments
St Catherine's Monastery, climbing to cell chapel
St Catherine's Monastery, cover of manuscript
St Catherine's Monastery, crescent and cross
St Catherine's Monastery, cross and star on wall
St Catherine's Monastery, crosses
St Catherine's Monastery, details of door carving
St Catherine's Monastery, encircling wall crosses
St Catherine's Monastery, entrance gateway
St Catherine's Monastery, facsimile of Sinaiticus
St Catherine's Monastery, famous library, interior
St Catherine's Monastery, famous library
St Catherine's Monastery, firing antique gun
St Catherine's Monastery, garden from window
St Catherine's Monastery, garden with Wadi er Raha
St Catherine's Monastery, glimpse of church belfry
St Catherine's Monastery, glimpse of minaret
St Catherine's Monastery, Greek monks at entrance
St Catherine's Monastery, Greek Orthodox priests
St Catherine's Monastery, guns guarding entrance
St Catherine's Monastery, inlaid work of altar
St Catherine's Monastery, manuscript with silver covers
St Catherine's Monastery
St Catherine's Monastery, monk artist
St Catherine's Monastery, near view
St Catherine's Monastery, old monk
St Catherine's Monastery, orange grove
St Catherine's Monastery, ornamented stones in wall
St Catherine's Monastery, priest holding prized manuscript
St Catherine's Monastery, primitive elevator
St Catherine's Monastery, well
St Catherine's Monastery, young monk
St Catherine's Monastery, young monks
Suez area
Gulf of Suez, north end
Ismailia Lake
Ismailia, lake and canal from terrace of monument
Ismailia, Mar Monument south of lake, entrance
Ismailia, ship passing through canal, from monument
Port Said, arrival of Turkish transport
Port Said, harbor and entrance to Suez Canal
Port Said, natives coaling steamer
Port Said, quay and landing place
Port Tewfik, avenue along Suez Canal
Port Tewfik, statue of Waghorn
Suez Canal at Gulf of Suez
Suez Canal, dredger at work
Suez Canal, entrance with statue of de Lesseps
Suez, view from road to Port Tewfik
Upper Egypt Temples
Abydos, Temple of Ramses II
Abydos, Temple of Seti I, first hypostyle hall
Abydos, Temple of Seti I, general view
Abydos, Temple of Seti I, hypostyle halls
Dendera, Temple of Hathor, carving on exterior wall
Dendera, Temple of Hathor, details of capitals
Dendera, Temple of Hathor, general view
Dendera, Temple of Hathor, great vestibule
Dendera, Temple of Hathor, north gate
Edfu, Temple of Horus, colonnade with carvings
Edfu, Temple of Horus, colonnade with hawk
Edfu, Temple of Horus, entrance to vestibule
Edfu, Temple of Horus, entrance
Edfu, Temple of Horus, general view
Edfu, Temple of Horus, view from pylon
Kom Ombo, Temple of Sobek and Haroeris, hall
Kom Ombo, Temple of Sobek and Haroeris