Jerusalem, Bethany, and Bethlehem
by J. L. Porter
Josias Leslie Porter lived in Damascus since
1849 and wrote, what was then, the standard
guide to the Holy Land, "Handbook for Tourists
to Syria and Palestine," published by John
Murray in 1858. Jerusalem, Bethany, and
Bethlehem was one of his last works,
published in 1887, shortly before his
death in 1889. This new volume is an electronic
edition of Jerusalem, Bethany, and
Bethlehem. It includes the entirety of the
book, including all of the illustrations in
high-resolution jpg format and all of the text
Complete Book: The entire book is included in Adobe Acrobat format, as originally published. This is the essence (and most difficult to reproduce) of this project and is most recommended. The original publication is preserved exactly, with the original layout and pagination. Thus any references to this work in other sources can be found on the same page as in the original. In addition, the Acrobat file provides the user with the ability to search, copy text into other files, and print in high-resolution. The first 7 pages of the Jerusalem section are available here in either high resolution (as on volume; 2 MB) or low resolution (230 kb - faster download; not as high print quality).
PowerPoint Files: For ease of use, all of the illustrations are included in PowerPoint format. This makes it easy for the user to quickly copy and paste slides into their own PowerPoint presentations. For easy identification, each illustration includes the original caption in the "Speaker's Notes" section of the slide.
From the Preface: "These descriptions...are not the results of a single visit to the Holy City. I resided in Palestine for a number of years; and while preparing “Murray’s Hand-Book,” and revising its several editions, I had occasion repeatedly to examine, with no little minuteness, all places of sacred and historic interest in Palestine, Jerusalem being the chief . . . . I have not attempted to write a learned treatise on the topography or history of Jerusalem. My task has been far simpler—to produce a book whose pictures, by pen and pencil, may perchance direct the attention of readers of all classes to scenes of absorbing sacred interest."
The Images: All images are high-resolution (1600 x 1200 or higher) jpeg files, ideal for projecting in a classroom, viewing on a monitor or printing. Also included in each volume are pre-made PowerPoint files for each region, a viewing program, and an index. Click on one of the images below to see a medium-resolution version.
Cost: $20; current special: $15
Guarantee: you will be satisfied or your money will be refunded.