The American Colony and Eric Matson Collection:
Founded in 1881 by Horatio Spafford (author of the famous hymn, It
is Well With My Soul), the American Colony in Jerusalem operated a
thriving photographic enterprise for almost four decades. Their images
document the land and its people, with a special emphasis on biblical
and archaeological sites, inspirational scenes, and
historic events. One of the photographers, G. Eric Matson, inherited the
archive, adding to it his own later work through the “Matson Photo
Service.” He eventually donated all the negatives to the U.S. Library of
Congress, which has made them available to the public.
This volume includes more than 650 selected photographs of sites and scenes of Jerusalem, including the Temple Mount, the Dome of the Rock, the Church of the Holy Sepulcher, Mount Zion, the Mount of Olives, the City of David, and the New City. All of the images are included in pre-made PowerPoint® files for quick and easy use, as well as in high-resolution jpg format, suitable for projecting or printing. Detailed explanatory comments give additional context to the photographs.
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Temple Mount PowerPoint file.
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About the Producer: Dr. Todd Bolen is a Professor of Biblical Studies at The Master’s University. He lived and taught for many years at their campus near Jerusalem. He is the producer of more than 45 volumes of photographs illustrating the biblical world, including the Pictorial Library of Bible Lands and the Photo Companion to the Bible.
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List of Photographs in the Volume
Al Aqsa Mosque.ppt
Armenian Quarter.ppt
Church of Holy Sepulcher.ppt
City of David.ppt
Dome of the Rock.ppt
Garden Tomb.ppt
Hebrew University.ppt
Modern History.ppt
Mount of Olives.ppt
Mount Zion.ppt
New City.ppt
Old City Gates and Walls.ppt
Old City Street Scenes.ppt
Old City, Jaffa Gate.ppt
Temple Mount.ppt
Via Dolorosa.ppt
Views of City.ppt
Western Wall.ppt
Al Aqsa Mosque
Al Aqsa Mosque and Mount of Olives
Al Aqsa mosque during reconstruction, Aug 1943
Al Aqsa mosque with new ceiling, 1945
Al Aqsa Mosque, cedar pulpit and mihrab
Al Aqsa Mosque, cedar pulpit
Al Aqsa Mosque, Chapel of Omar mihrab with reader
Al Aqsa Mosque, detail in dome, interior
Al Aqsa Mosque, interior nave
Al Aqsa Mosque, interior
Al Aqsa Mosque, interior, new section, west wing
Al Aqsa Mosque, interior, sw corner of nave
Al Aqsa Mosque, looking across three aisles
Al Aqsa Mosque
Al Aqsa Mosque, peculiar capitals
Armenian Quarter
Armenian Convent, entrance
Armenian Convent, interior
Armenian Convent
Armenian foot washing, Church of St James, Apr 1941
Church of St James, Armenian Convent, n transept
Church of St James, Armenian Convent, nw from apse
Church of St James, Armenian Convent, sw from apse
Church of St James, Armenian Convent, toward apse
Entrance to Armenian monastery
Gongs in Armenian convent
Spot where St James' head is buried
Church of Holy Sepulcher
Abyssinian chapel above chapel of St Helena
Ceremony of Holy Fire on roof of Greek convent
Church of Holy Sepulcher, Adam's Chapel
Church of Holy Sepulcher, Calvary altar
Church of Holy Sepulcher, Chapel of Finding Cross
Church of Holy Sepulcher, Constantine's gate
Church of Holy Sepulcher, crowds awaiting Holy Fire
Church of Holy Sepulcher, crowds in courtyard
Church of Holy Sepulcher, facade, iron braces
Church of Holy Sepulcher, feet washing ceremony
Church of Holy Sepulcher
Church of Holy Sepulcher, pilgrims with Holy Fire
Church of Holy Sepulcher, Stone of Anointment
Church of Holy Sepulcher, Stone of Unction
Church of Holy Sepulcher, two domes
Easter religious ceremony
Easter, Orthodox Patriarch ready for procession
Holy fire ceremony from dome
Holy Sepulcher with British guard
Holy Sepulcher with Italian guard
Holy Sepulcher, Abraham's Chapel
Holy Sepulcher, ancient tombs found in church
Holy Sepulcher, blessing of water, leaving altar
Holy Sepulcher, Byzantine capital
Holy Sepulcher, Byzantine jeweled cross
Holy Sepulcher, capitals of pillars to left
Holy Sepulcher, ceremony of washing Apostles' feet
Holy Sepulcher, Chapel of Helena, dome and roof
Holy Sepulcher, Chapel of St Helena repairs, pillars
Holy Sepulcher, Chapel of St Helena, Crusader altar
Holy Sepulcher, Chapel of St Helena
Holy Sepulcher, Chapel of St Helena
Holy Sepulcher, closed entrance on Christian Street
Holy Sepulcher, cross inscriptions
Holy Sepulcher, crowds in and around courtyard
Holy Sepulcher, crowds in courtyard
Holy Sepulcher, crowds in front of church entrance
Holy Sepulcher, Easter procession
Holy Sepulcher, Easter religious ceremony
Holy Sepulcher, Easter, Eucharist at Latin altar
Holy Sepulcher, Easter, incensing chalice
Holy Sepulcher, Easter, Latin service
Holy Sepulcher, Eastern end of Church
Holy Sepulcher, Ethiopian ceremony on roof
Holy Sepulcher, Ethiopian procession around dome
Holy Sepulcher, foot washing, Latin ceremony
Holy Sepulcher, Greek and Latin chapels of Calvary
Holy Sepulcher, Greek cathedral
Holy Sepulcher, Greek convent, library exterior
Holy Sepulcher, Greek guardian with Heraclian cross
Holy Sepulcher, Heraclian cross
Holy Sepulcher, Holy Saturday, pouring holy oils
Holy Sepulcher, locking church
Holy Sepulcher, north side of rotunda
Holy Sepulcher, Orthodox Holy Fire
Holy Sepulcher, Orthodox Holy Fire, procession
Holy Sepulcher, Palm Sunday procession
Holy Sepulcher, Palm Sunday procession, rotunda
Holy Sepulcher, Palm Sunday, blessing palms
Holy Sepulcher, Palm Sunday, leaving Holy Sepulcher
Holy Sepulcher, Palm Sunday
Holy Sepulcher, Palm Sunday, Syrian Orthodox
Holy Sepulcher, relief over east door
Holy Sepulcher, soldiers entering Edicule
Holy Sepulcher, tomb exterior
Holy Sepulcher, Tomb of Crusader d'Aubigny
Holy Sepulcher, Turkish soldiers quelling disturbance
Holy Sepulcher, view of Jerusalem from belfry
Orthodox foot washing, roof of Mar Jakoub, Apr 1941
Russian Chapel in Alexander Hospice
Russian church, interior
Sword and spurs of Godfrey
Tomb of Crusader d'Aubigny
Bethesda pools, remains of Crusader chapel
Case with bones of apostles
Chapel of St John on Christian Street
Church of St Anne, interior
Church of St Anne
Crusader Church of St John, interior
Crusader Church of St John
Crystal tiara, Crusader relic
Deir el Addis, interior
Deir el Addis
Ethiopian Abyssinian church, entrance, outside wall
Ethiopian Abyssinian Church, exterior
Ethiopian Church, interior, Holy of Holies
Garden at St George's, Bishop and Mrs Stewart
Garden at St George's, Bishop
German Church of the Redeemer
German Lutheran church, interior
German Lutheran church
Muristan, interior
Redeemer Church, Medieval Portal
Russian Cathedral of Holy Trinity
St Andrew's Church and Hospice near railroad station
St Andrew's Church from across valley
St Andrew's Church from east
St Andrew's Church, interior looking towards apse
St Andrew's Church
St Andrews Church, general view from north
St George's Cathedral, interior
St George's Cathedral
City of David
Archaeologist John W Crowfoot
City of David and Kidron Valley, from south
City of David eastern slope view north
City of David excavations, ancient quarry
City of David excavations, Byzantine street
City of David excavations, foundations of tower
City of David excavations, foundations of tower
City of David excavations, rock cut tomb
City of David excavations, rock cut tombs
City of David excavations, rock cuttings
City of David excavations, rock hewn steps
City of David excavations, southeastern end
City of David excavations, Stepped Stone Structure
City of David excavations, Valley Gate
City of David excavations, wall near Siloam Pool
City of David from south
City of David, excavated wall
Entrance to Hezekiah's Tunnel at Virgin's Fountain
Exit of Hezekiah's Tunnel at Pool of Siloam
Gihon Spring, Virgin's Fountain
Gihon Spring, Virgin's Fountain
Hezekiah's Tunnel, Dragon's shaft
Hezekiah's Tunnel
Hezekiah's Tunnel, place where workmen met
Hinnom Valley, St Onuphrius, from ne
Jebusite Tower in Kidron Valley
Jerusalem from junction of Hinnom and Kidron
Jerusalem from south
Jerusalem tunnel
Joab's Well, En Rogel, in Kidron Valley
Joab's Well, En Rogel
Joab's Well
Kidron Valley and Silwan
Ophel, site of City of David
Pool of Siloam
Pool of Siloam, north end
Siloam Pool, looking southeast
Siloam, Rock Zoheleth
Silwan and Kidron Valley from north
Silwan and Kidron Valley from south
Tyropoeon Valley excavation pit
Tyropoeon Valley excavation, steps
Dome of the Rock
Dome of Chain
Dome of Rock from Mount of Olives
Dome of Rock from St Stephen's Gate
Dome of Rock through trees on northeast side
Dome of Rock, Crusader grill
Dome of Rock, dome interior from Rock
Dome of Rock, entrance to cave under Rock
Dome of Rock, interior
Dome of Rock, with Dome of Chain
Dome of the Rock and Dome of the Chain
Dome of the Rock and snow
Dome of the Rock illuminated during Bayram feast
Dome of the Rock, crowds during Holy Week
Dome of the Rock, exterior, general view with tree
Dome of the Rock, interior of dome and drum
Dome of the Rock, interior
Dome of the Rock
Dome of the Rock, mosaics in drum
Dome of the Rock, Rock from above
Dome of the Rock, Rock Moriah
Dome of the Rock, south facade, with ablution basin
Entrance to cavern under Rock Moriah
Mt of Olives and Dome of Chain from Dome of Rock
Stained glass windows of Dome of the Rock
Temple area from Tower of Antonia
Temple Mount, general view from northeast
View of Temple Mount from Tower of Antonia
Garden Tomb
Garden Tomb area and New City from Gordon's Calvary
Garden Tomb exterior
Garden Tomb interior, close up
Garden Tomb interior
Garden Tomb, doorway, taken from within
Garden Tomb, exterior
Garden Tomb, interior
Garden Tomb, panorama
Gordon's Calvary from city wall
Gordon's Calvary showing skull
Gordon's Calvary
Plan of Gordon's Idea of Calvary
Hebrew University
Hebrew University campus on Mt Scopus
Hebrew University Library, book stacks
Hebrew University Library, from Olivet road
Hebrew University Library, periodical room
Hebrew University Library, recording room
Hebrew University Library, Wolffsohn Room
Hebrew university main building, interior
Hebrew University on Mount Scopus
Hebrew University, Archaeological Department
Hebrew University, biblical botanical section
Hebrew University, chancellor Magnes
Hebrew University, chemistry laboratory
Hebrew University, Einstein Institute, class in math
Hebrew University, members of staff
Opening of Hebrew University
Modern History
Allenby's proclamation being read in Jerusalem
Citadel of David, Ramadan cannon, Turkish period
Firing Ramadan Cannon on Gordon's Calvary
Graff Zeppelin over Old City, looking east, 1931
Presenting Ramadan cannon to Muslims
Relief map of Jerusalem with demarcation line, 1953
Turkish soldiers drilling in Tower of David
Mount of Olives
Augusta Victoria Hospice
Augusta Victoria Hospice
Bethany and Mt of Olives from east
Bethany from east with almond tree in blossom
Bethany from Mount of Olives
Bethany from the carriage road
Bethany, Church of Lazarus
Bethany, general view of village
Bethany, traditional house of Simon the Leper
Bethphage from Mount of Olives showing wilderness
British war cemetery on Mount Scopus
British war cemetery on Mount Scopus, old view
Church of All Nations, altar on Rock of Agony
Church of All Nations, ancient and modern mosaic
Church of All Nations, exterior, toward Golden Gate
Church of All Nations, interior
Church of All Nations, interior
Church of All Nations, portico and mosaics
Church of Lord's Prayer, interior
Church of Lord's Prayer
Church of Lord's Prayer, tablets
Crusader Church of St Mary column base
Dome of Ascension
Excavation of Crusader Church of St Mary
Garden of Gethsemane without cypress trees
Garden of Gethsemane, exterior
Garden of Gethsemane
Garden of Gethsemane, night scene
Garden of Gethsemane, olive trees
Garden of Gethsemane, Tree of Agony, picking olives
Government House on Mount of Olives
Government House, court and Kaiser's statue
Government House, interior of chapel
Grotto of Agony
Hadassah Medical Center
Hadassah Medical Center, under construction
Lazarus' Tomb
Mount of Olives and Russian Church
Mount of Olives and St Anne's Church from west
Mount of Olives covered with snow
Mount of Olives from Bethany Road
Mount of Olives from west
Mount of Olives, Dome of Ascension
Mount of Olives, Spot of Ascension
Nebi Musa passing Gethsemane
Ruins of home of Martha and Mary
Russian Orthodox Church of Mary Magdalene, interior
Russian Orthodox Church of Mary Magdalene
Site of Bethphage
Spot of Betrayal
Tomb of the Virgin interior
Tomb of the Virgin
View from Russian Tower, Bethphage and Bethany
Welsh tablet of Lord's Prayer on Olivet with Hughes
Mount Zion
Assumptionist Excavations, general view
Assumptionist Excavations, old Roman stairway
Assumptionist Excavations, old stairway with Silwan
Assumptionist Excavations, old street gutter
Bishop Gobat School addition, Mount Zion
Church of the Dormition, Mount Zion
Church of the Dormition, Mount Zion
David's Tomb and Upper Room on Mount Zion
House of Caiaphas
Mount Zion and Hinnom Valley from south
Mount Zion and Moab from roof of King David Hotel
Mount Zion from south
Mount Zion from southwest
Mount Zion with Gallicantu and Dormitian Abbey from east
Mount Zion, Dead Sea and Moab from YMCA tower
New Church of St Peter, called Galakanti
St Peter in Gallicantu, dedication ceremony, 1931
Tomb of David and Upper Room
Tomb of David, exterior
Tomb of David, exterior
Tomb of David, interior
Upper Room, Room of Last Supper
New City
American Colony, courtyard, Nablus Road
American Colony, main building, Nablus Road
Assicurazioni Generali
Barclay's Bank, illuminated at night
Ben Yehuda Street
British planes over YMCA tower
Cattle market in lower pool of Gihon
Construction work in New City
Convent of St Stephen, Ecole Biblique
English London Jews Society Hospital
Establishment of Sisters of Charity
Ethiopian Queen's building, Street of Prophets
Foundation stone of Rockerfeller Museum laid
German Lutheran pastor building, Probstei, mat06587.jpg
Headquarters of Zionist Executive, King George Ave
Italian hospital and chapel, St Paul's Road
Jaffa Road, apartment houses built by Arabs
Jerusalem general new post office
Jesuit seminary near King David Hotel
King David Hotel from garden side
King David Hotel, east facade and garden
King David Hotel, illuminated at night
King David Hotel, St Julian's Way
King David Hotel, YMCA, New City aerial from se
Mamilla Pool and vicinity
Mamilla Pool
Modernistic buildings on King George Ave
Mosaic floor near Damascus Gate, Armenian
Municipal building occupied by Barclay's bank
Municipal Hospital in Russian Compound
Muslim Aukaf building, Mamilla Road
Nathan Straus Health Center
New City and Mamilla Pool aerial from west
New City outside nw corner of Old City walls
New City, across King George, down Hillel Street
New City, YMCA, King David Hotel, aerial from sw
New post office from northwest corner
New post office, distribution frames
New post office, front entrance, closer view
New post office, High Commissioner dialing first call
New post office, Jerusalem trunk exchange
New post office, sorting office with staff
New post office, trunk exchange, supervisors' desk
Prince of Wales Tree near Rockefeller Museum
Railway station of Jerusalem
Railway station, Jerusalem
Rockefeller Museum from city wall looking north
Rockefeller Museum from Mount of Olives
Rockefeller Museum, south gallery, interior
Rockefeller Museum, tower and court, northeast view
Skyscrapers at head of Ben Yehuda Street
St Andrew's Church with new drive
St Andrew's House, upstairs lounge
St Paul's Hospice, government office
Sultan's Pool with St Andrew's Church
Talbiyeh neighborhood
Talbiyeh, Christian Arab community
Talpiot, typical Jewish residential colony
Third Wall remains from southwest
View from YMCA tower to north, Ramallah in distance
View from YMCA tower to southeast
View from YMCA tower, looking north
YMCA and King David Hotel aerial from sw
YMCA buildings
YMCA dedication service in forecourt, 1933
YMCA from King David Hotel with cloud effect
YMCA gymnasium
YMCA lounge
YMCA main entrance with Mott and Allenby
YMCA property aerial from sw
YMCA reading room and fireplace
YMCA swimming pool
YMCA, King David Hotel, aerial view, looking sw
YMCA, night picture illuminated for Christmas
Zion Square
Zionist Executive headquarters on King George Ave
Old City gates and walls
Anna Spafford baby home
Approach to city from south with Hinnom Valley
Citadel of David from west
Citadel of David with Zeppelin
Citadel of David
Damascus Gate and Old City
Damascus Gate from north
Damascus Gate from south
Damascus Gate with parked Ford cars
Damascus Gate, Bedouins unloading wheat from camels
Damascus Gate, close up
Damascus Gate, excavation of Roman gate
Damascus Gate
Damascus Gate, new plaza
Damascus Gate, orange piles
Dung Gate
East wall, showing Herodian wall and Golden Gate
Golden Gate from Temple area
Golden Gate interior
Golden Gate
Herod's Gate
New Gate
North city wall above Solomon's Quarries entrance
North city wall, with piles of oranges
North wall of Jerusalem
North wall toward Gordon's Cavalry
Old City walls, Rampart walk, Dome of Rock from n
Rampart walk, Old City from wall
Rampart walk, wall on Bezetha
Rock of Bezetha
SE corner of Temple Mount, 1961 Kenyon excavation
Sheep market outside Herod's Gate
Solomon's Quarries, five men seated
Solomon's Quarries
Solomon's Quarries, showing hanging pillar
St Stephen's Gate
Tower of David
Zion Gate
Old City street scenes
Ancient Fountain at Bab Silseleh
Arcade of Citadel Hotel, Tenth Roman Legion pillar
Arched street scene in Old City
Austrian Hospice
Christian Street
Coffee house on Jerusalem street
Damascus Gate, filling waterskins
David Street, section with arches and steps
Pool of Hezekiah
Street in Jewish Quarter
Street in Tyropeon Valley
Street leading to Temple Mount
Street leading to Zion Gate
Street of Cotton Gate
Street scene inside Damascus Gate
Street scene near Damascus Gate
Vendors in open store near Church of Holy Sepulcher
Old City, Jaffa Gate
David Street, main thoroughfare of Old City
David Street
Hinnom Valley from Jaffa Gate
Jaffa Gate closed, showing Needle's Eye
Jaffa Gate from inside Old City
Jaffa Gate with tower
Jaffa Gate without tower
Jaffa Gate, Arab religious procession
Jaffa Gate, breach in city wall
Jaffa Gate, close up
Jaffa Gate, demolition to clear city wall, July 1944
Jaffa Gate
Jaffa Gate, view looking out from Needle's Eye
Jerusalem, looking down moat toward clock tower
Marching in front of American Colony store, Jaffa Gate=
New entrance, breach in city wall with tower
New entrance, breach in city wall without tower
New entrance, breach in wall by Jaffa Gate=
Street scene inside Jaffa Gate looking east
Street scene inside Jaffa Gate with tower
Street scene inside Jaffa Gate
Street scene outside Jaffa Gate
View inside Jaffa Gate
Temple Mount
Balustrade inscription on Temple Mount
Cotton Gate
Dome of the Chain interior
Double Gate interior, beneath Al Aqsa Mosque
Double Gate interior, details of carving
Double Gate
Eastern porch, Throne of Solomon
Fount of Kait Bey in Temple area
Mosque of el-Burak interior
Remains of old city wall near St Stephen's Gate
Robinson's Arch
Solomon's Stables
Solomon's Stables, spring of arch
Southern side of Temple Mount
Spring of Robinson's Arch
Temple Mount and Tower of Antonia through arches
Temple Mount and Western Wall aerial from sw
Temple Mount, colonnade and Pulpit of Omar
Temple Mount, typical minaret
Temple Mount, western porch
Tower of Antonia from Temple area
Triple Gate
Absalom's Pillar and city wall
Absalom's Pillar and Tombs of Hezir and Zechariah
Absalom's Pillar, interior
Absalom's Pillar
Absalom's Pillar and tombs of James and Zechariah
Absalom's Pillar
Akeldama rock hewn tomb, interior and loculi
Akeldema tomb
Jewish gathering near Absalom's Pillar, Kidron Valley
Jewish tomb in northern suburb
Old tomb found near St Stephen's Gate
Rolling stone in Tomb of Mariamne
Tomb of Jehoshaphat
Tomb of the Grapes
Tomb of Zechariah, religious ceremony
Tombs of Absalom, Hezir, Zechariah in Kidron Valley
Tombs of the Judges, details of ornaments
Tombs of the Judges, interior
Tombs of the Judges
Tombs of the Kings, interior
Tombs of the Kings
Tombs of the Kings, rolling stone
Tombs of the Kings, stairway
Via Dolorosa
Ecce Homo Arch
Via Dolorosa, beginning of route
Via Dolorosa, Calvary, Twelfth Station of the Cross
Via Dolorosa, Cloister of Scourging
Via Dolorosa, Eighth Station of the Cross
Via Dolorosa, Eleventh and Thirteenth Stations
Via Dolorosa, Eleventh Station of the Cross
Via Dolorosa, Fifth Station of the Cross
Via Dolorosa, First Station of the Cross
Via Dolorosa, First Station, Chapel of Crowning
Via Dolorosa, Fourteenth Station, Tomb
Via Dolorosa, Fourth Station of the Cross
Via Dolorosa, Ninth Station, Coptic Monastery
Via Dolorosa, pilgrims carrying cross
Via Dolorosa, prophet's stone
Via Dolorosa, Roman games cut in pavement
Via Dolorosa, Second Station, Chapel of Condemnation
Via Dolorosa, Seventh Station, Gate of Justice
Via Dolorosa, Sixth Station of the Cross
Via Dolorosa, Sixth Station, House of St Veronica
Via Dolorosa, Tenth Station of the Cross
Via Dolorosa, Third Station of the Cross
Via Dolorosa, Third Station, Good Friday procession
Via Dolorosa, Thirteenth Station of the Cross
Via Dolorosa, Twelfth, Thirteenth Stations, Calvary
Views of City
Airplane over city, military force at Damascus Gate
Bishop Gobat School, wilderness, Moab, from northwest
Church of Redeemer, Holy Sepulcher from southeast
City of David and Mount Zion from east
David Street and St Andrews Church from northwest
Hinnom Valley and Akeldama from east
Hinnom Valley from Bethlehem Road
Hinnom Valley from west
Hinnom Valley, Dead Sea and Moab from YMCA tower
Jerusalem and Hinnom Valley from southwest
Jerusalem and Kidron Valley from Mt Scopus
Jerusalem and mountains of Moab from west
Jerusalem and Mt of Olives aerial from 10,000 feet
Jerusalem from Hebrew University
Jerusalem from Mount of Olives
Jerusalem from Mount Scopus
Jerusalem from Mt Olives during Nebi Musa celebration
Jerusalem from north
Jerusalem from northwest with Damascus Gate
Jerusalem from south on Hebron Road
Jerusalem from south slope of Mount of Olives
Jerusalem from south slope of Mount of Olives
Jerusalem from south
Jerusalem from southeast
Jerusalem panorama 1
Jerusalem panorama 2
Jerusalem panorama 3
Jerusalem panorama 4
Jerusalem panorama from King David Hotel
Jerusalem panorama from Russian tower
Jerusalem panorama from south
Jerusalem rooftops with snow from north
Jerusalem topography model
Jerusalem view east from YMCA tower
Jewish Quarter from Temple Mount
Jewish tombs on Kidron slope overlooking Jerusalem
Mount Zion and Mount of Olives from southwest
Mount Zion and mountains of Moab from west
Mt Zion, Hinnom Valley and wilderness from northwest
Old City and City of David from Government House
Old City and Mount of Olives from west
Old City and Mount of Olives in snow
Old City and Mount of Olives panorama
Old City and Temple Mount aerial from ne
Old City from northeast
Old City rooftops from southwest
Old City view east from Citadel of David
Old City view south from northern city wall
Old City view southwest from American Colony Aid Association
Temple Mount and Western Wall area from southwest
Temple Mount from south slope of Mount of Olives
West Jerusalem from north, distant view
West Jerusalem from north
Western Wall
Central Valley at Dung Gate
Dome of the Rock and Western Wall
Western Wall, general view from south
Jews at Western Wall
Western Wall, crowds on Day of Atonement
Western Wall, devout Jewish women
Western Wall